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Autism Awareness Month

Kami Lerma, PT

It’s the start of a new month - Autism Awareness Month. April has been dubbed Autism Awareness Month since the 1970s to highlight the growing need for concern and education about Autism. Autism has increased in prevalence exponentially over the years. Today, 1 in 50 children are identified as being on the Autism Spectrum. As healthcare providers, we need to be prepared to meet the needs of those who have been diagnosed, the people who love and care for them and the communities where they reside. That means everyone! 

In the world of Physical Therapy, we are in a position to help children develop age-appropriate motor skills, improve coordination or perhaps even assist with breath control. For teens and adults, a therapist could play a role in the creation of an exercise program that could keep them active and involved in their households and communities. Some of you may be thinking, I don’t treat in an environment where kids with Autism would be, but let me make this point. You may work in an outpatient facility and need to treat an adult with an ankle sprain who happens to also have a diagnosis of Autism. We all need to be prepared.

Here at, we are working to build a comprehensive library of courses to help therapists gain the knowledge needed to assist their clients achieve their best possible outcomes. In our library, we have a featured course entitled Motor Impairments in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  This course, presented by Rebecca Downey, PT, DPT, reviews the current literature related to the presence of and intervention for motor impairments in those with Autism. I encourage you to take the time to review this course and increase your knowledge about Autism. 

In addition to viewing Rebecca Downey’s course, I challenge you to seek out ways that you can teach someone else about Autism. What role are you going to play in spreading the word about this diagnosis?

Your colleague in Physical Therapy,

Kami Lerma, PT

Assistant Managing Editor


kami lerma

Kami Lerma, PT

Assistant Managing Editor

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